Saturday, May 10, 2008

American Nightmare!

Prison for profit, profits before people ,
Fill up the church and then set fire to the steeple.
Eat up all the sacred cows, and slaughter all the sheeple .
Send the poor to fight the war, if they all get killed just make some more…
Lady Justice has been raped… and Lady Liberty’s a whore.
Corporate collectivism…
Prison for profit…
Why is there no universal healthcare in this country?
Why, in the year 2008, can you not marry whomever you like?
Why does our government, in this time of crisis and economic hardships, insist on continuing to wage their useless and silly “war on drugs?”
How many trillions of dollars will we waste fighting the “war on terror?“
What the hell ever happened to LBJ's “war on poverty?“
Where’s the sorely needed “war on governmental corruption?“

We The People should be waging our own war, against these hypocritical morons who insist on running our beloved country into the fucking ground, all in the name of “freedom,“ when in fact our freedom is the very thing we all stand to lose. (Patriot Act anyone?)
Their real motives are power and money and have no bearing on the well-being of the American populace. Yes, The American Dream is dead and buried, has been for quite some time, but there may still be a chance for it’s resurrection and rebirth, if those of us with the intelligence to read between the lines, and the cojones to do something about it get up off our complacent, pampered American asses, turn off the goddamned television, and take action!
A lot of you are going to find it really easy to write me off as just another anarchist, and that’s fine because if you really believe that then you really believe that putting a bumper sticker or magnet on your vehicle is “supporting the troops.” If you were standing here before me now, you’d likely tell me that the United States is the greatest nation in the world, the best, number one, numero uno, and that freedom isn’t free, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, yakkity smackity… and you’d get no argument from me.
We ARE the greatest nation in the world, and freedom ISN’T free, but you can spout off any tired old cliché you want to and it still won’t change the fact that people are dying, people are starving, and people are being thrown in prison for choosing the wrong substance with which to medicate themselves. Wake the fuck up America, before it’s too late.
The American Dream is dead. Long live the American Dream.

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